Thursday, June 22, 2017

Tsay Miri/ p.24 B-1/summer56

Tsay Miri/ p.24 B-1/summer56

Main idea: The first-born children usually have the most difficult live among siblings

The first-born children usually have the most difficult live among siblings, especially if the age gap is big.  The first child doesn't have enough time to enjoy his childhood. Soon after arrival of younger brother or sister the oldest child has to accommodate to new responsibilities. Now he has to take care not only of himself but also of other person. Another thing that makes the oldest child's life difficult is changing attitude of parents. He/she used to be the center of attention and was given all the love but now parents seem to be more interested in younger siblings. A lot of older people in their early childhood might have experienced stress due to the change in parents' behavior. Furthermore, some parents tend to create a 'role model' from their oldest kid. They may constantly put pressure on him/her to study, behave and act better, so that young siblings could follow their example. If a child feels that he cannot reach the expectations of parents or other relatives she/he might become highly vulnerable and insecure adult in the future. Of course, there are also some advantages of being the first child in family. Older children tend to be caring, diligent and have good leadership skills because of their birth order. They can learn and acquire behavioral and communicative patterns from parents unconsciously to bigger extent than their siblings. They also have some authority over younger siblings and can exercise it to their benefit. It is obvious that the order of birth doesn't necessarily define the level of happiness or person's behavior. Nevertheless, I believe that the life of the first child is more difficult because he is supposed to take care of younger siblings apart from own family and parents. 

Best wishes, 
Tsay Miri


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Tsay Miri/ p.24 B-2/summer writing

  3. Hey Miri, great work on the writing.
    I agree that the oldest child will usually have the most difficult life than other group of children. You said "The first-born children usually have the most difficult live among siblings, especially if the age gap is big. The first child doesn't have enough time to enjoy his childhood." In the beginning part of your writing. However, I do not agree that they lose the chance to enjoy their childhood. Especially when their age gap is big, they share less interest on same things. To elaborate, there will be less cases of the older one being in a situation when they have to yield things because they will not be interested in the things that the younger one is interested in anymore. For example, when you are 15 year old, you will not want to take a 8 year old kid's toy. How do your think?
    Kim, Jusung / 2017 Summer Prose & Paragraphs.

  4. I agree with your writing and can sympathize with the first children’s difficulty. I am also the first child and as you said, my parents often told me that you should be ‘roll mode’’ for the younger child. So I must achieve something higher than my goals. At this time I was so exhausted and tired. I think your writing speaks for my situation!
