Kim Nam Ha/ page 94/ Pose & Paragraph
The original story of 'The ant and the grasshopper' is the story that gives the readers a message of the consequences that we get at the end of hard work. In shorten, while grasshopper lives dissolute life in the summer, and keeps himself working for the winter. Eventually, grasshopper starves for food during the winter, whereas, the ant survives the winter with no worries. The grasshopper seek food from the ant but he refuses. In contemporary setting, the story starts with two brothers.
The older brother, George is hard working, straight forward man. He has lived his life productive, austerity for his retirement. The younger brother, Tom enjoys his life and spends money careless. Tom refuses to work or continue his marriage. Tom tells lies about getting back on the right track and takes money from his brother George and spends money on buying Jewelry and cars. On the other hand, George worked so hard to save up money. In the end, Tom with luck becomes rich by marrying old lady which her life is around the corner. George outrages and cannot bear the jealousy toward his younger brother. The story of two brothers can be very realistic in our lives.
The message about the Maugham's story is deeply based on the modern world. George's type of life could be general for all the people who needs to earn money for a living. It is very frustrating and beats me that many years of working is what I also have to face in the near future. Whereas, with no pain for earning and with no stress of working, Tom's type of life seems to be so joyful and so seductive. I can snatch off anything that I want, and I can literally buy expensive cars, house, and fancy fashion items. However, the thought of comparing his life to my life makes me more miserable and depressing. I was so shocked and at the same time envied how he enjoyed his life. But this does not mean that my happiness can be found in his trace of life. I have to find my own true happiness.
What is the ultimate goal of life? "Goal is to live happily." These days, getting a job, getting married, having my own house are very difficult. Through many competition and death match, only the few and the selected ones are chosen to live good quality of life. Luxurious life follows to the people who tried hard and earned it by their blood and tears of effort. However, losers who failed to be selected did not just sit around and suck their thumbs. They have also tried their best to have better life. Unfortunately, due to rising competition and higher expectation, new generation thinks rather live life shortly with enjoyment then live long miserably. Sometimes they wager money on lotto, or try to allure old rich people to break through their unhappiness. Happiness do not come from money. Happiness can be found from people who cares for us loves us. We tend to get used to love or care that we receive from others. We should not forget and must express our love in return. Saying "Thank you for loving me". This will surely make us happy enough. Because we know that people who loves us put great effort into us.
The older brother George compares himself with his own brother during his whole life. Tom's life was enjoyable and feverish however, what George's life is much more happier and deserves to be loved by others. The lesson of this fables is that if I compare myself with others I can never be happy because, there is always someone who is better or luckier than me.
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