Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Seong ji Lee/4th draft/Summer Session

What are advantages of men over women in the workplace and vice versa?
Not long ago, there were stereotypical views on women that they should be doing housework or jobs specialized only for female, such as nurse, kindergartener etc. However, nowadays we can see both men and women in same workplace, where gender difference is denied. But many people find there are fundamental differences between men and women in their abilities and performances, meaning one might have different ways of finding solution, in the workplace, from other. To be more specific, men shows better performance in certain circumstances and vice versa. Here are some qualities men are better than women, in workplace, and vice versa.
First, Men are physically stronger than women, meaning men can work better in laboring job than women do. Also, if workplace demands extra working hours with simple labour, men show better performances, due to their physical advantages. For instance, when I was working in the restaurant as a hall manager, I found male employees were doing more jobs and did better because they were stronger than their female counterparts. Male employees could do more hours of working without loss of efficiency. Besides, as a hall manager it was easier to make them to do new tasks, which they were not familiar with, as for their physical ability allowed them to learn the tasks faster. However, I'm not saying male employees were better in every aspect. female employees were more favored by customers when they were serving dishes.
Other than physical advantage, men are preferred by employers for their ability to work well in hierarchical environment, or advantages in collectivity. For example, men tend to follow and respect the hierarchy in the work place more than women, making men to be seen as more zealous than women to employers. This is because men were used to competition with their peer group since childhood, they have gotten to know that they should build up a group which is led by a strong leader, who is widely respected and unchallenged by his fellow peers. This may seem strange that men are lowering themselves to fit in the groups, however, men finds their identity in the groups and feel that they secured when they are under leaders' command. In this aspect, men tend to give their full loyalty to the leaders, in order to feel that they are useful person in the group, or else they become rebellious and make themselves become a new leader. And in work place most of employees follow their employers as their leader rather being rebellious.

2-a. Women are more keen and cautious in the workplace.
2-b. Women encourages male co-workers to do better in workplave

Men and women have different advantages in workplace. However, we cannot say one is better than other, because the both are worthwhile. It would be wise to say the both are be helping each other out with their weak points.
Seong ji Lee


  1. It is interesting that men likes hierarchy and women lacks loyalty. From my perspective, it totally depends on each individual about who is more eager to put themselves in the bureaucratic society and show more loyalty to their group. Lots of men show no preference to the hierarchial workplaces and many women also show total loyalty to their group with dedication and sacrifice. I see your point that no sex outweighs the other, but your ground for that argument seems stereotypical. Also, it would seem make sense to elaborate on the two items of 2-a and b. It seems difficult to understand without strong reasons.
    -Hyunho Jung

  2. examples were well written down that it helped me to understand more about difference between men and women. However, it will be very eye catching and easy to look if you break a paragraph in.
