Saturday, July 1, 2017

Kim Nam Ha/ page80 Item A-1/ 2017 Summer Prose & Paragraph

Between Friendship and Lost



When I am in trouble or when difficult things happen, or just want to talk to someone who can listen to me all my troubles, or just being together makes me feel great that I feel exist and alive, true friends are always there for me. However, not everything is acceptable for each other because of true friendship. What must be avoided or done to keep friendship for a long time?


First of all, stay on the friend's side. Once you get to know each other a little, the degree of dependence on each other increases and trust grows. At this time, the ability to raise the reliability and intimacy at the same time is to take the side of a friend when a friend has a conflict with another. Sometimes, you can act on your own beliefs and listen to other people's opinions, but you can keep your own justice, but trust and intimacy as a friend can be halved and friendship with your friend can be broken.


Secondly, if you do not contact your friend, friendship breaks naturally. With friendship, by playing together you can enjoy, by sharing common interest you can learn more information. More time we spend together, I believe the friendship grows bigger. However, when the time is getting a little bit busy and each day do not have a time to hang along, even friends who are close to each other will eventually lose interest of you. Usually losing friendship is due to long distance relationship, furthermore complete end of friendship is because of no contacting each other. So it's a good idea to keep in touch with friends so you can maintain your friendship.


Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair. Good relationship establishes by solid trust. When you lose your friend's trust, recovering that faith of your friend is not always easy because emotions of loss and betrayal can be followed. Do not lose your friend's faith. It could linger to end of friendship and worst of all nasty hatred will be coming back like a boomerang.


Friends can understand better then other's but even so there are certain rules that we must not forget, always be on friend's side, keep in touch each other, never let your trust to break from others. Friendship is not build up by other's but yourself who must step up first and maintain the relationship.



1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm Kim taekmin
    I see that you thought carefully about the topic of keeping friendship and have clear thesis. You've got three ideas to support your thought which is good and I find it interesting. Your essay have clear beginning, middle and end and also consistent idea.
    If I have to make any suggestions, I think the first sentence is too long and have little grammar error. Thank you for your hard work:)
